Now Available: the only sure way to eliminate vacuum
leaks caused by faulty vacuum relays, vacuum actuator canisters, vacuum hoses,
and connectors
Everything is included in this kit to have
a complete working installation
No cutting or altering the original
Corvette hardware or firewall
Kit can be removed to restore the original
vacuum system to retain originality
No work done under the dash
No alterations of original wiring harnesses
Functions like the original vacuum system
but without the headaches
This kit will eliminate vacuum leakage and
problems caused by the vacuum hoses and relays
Main wiring harness uses Delphi weather
pack terminals and connectors
Motor mount is powder coated black;
actuator rod and stop are plated
The actuator motor is re-buildable, the
gearbox is not sealed
Installation instructions are easy to
follow with line drawings and actual pictures
One year manufacturer’s warranty Truly “Plug and Play”